環宇自動化技術有限公司成立于2005年7月,是一家以精密自動化設備與工裝夾具的設計制造,商業與工業軟件開發及自動化零配件代理銷售為核心業務的高科技企業,我們的宗旨是充分運用我們的技術與經驗為客戶提供高性價比的產品與服務。一批多年從事精密自動化設備與工裝夾具設計制造及軟件開發的專業技術人員服務于公司,核心骨干擁有碩士以上學歷或高級工程師職稱,專業涵蓋精密機械、電子、軟件、自動化控制、視覺處理等諸多領域。 |
Established in 2005, UNIVERSAL ROBOT AND TECHNOLOGY(URT) is equipped with years of experience in the design and manufacturing of automated equipment mainly for hard disk and electronic industry. We are able to provide total customized automated solutions such as Laser process equipment, Handling Systems and Vision Inspection System etc. We also provide solutions such as system integration and upgrading of existing equipments so as to build the most perfect and ideal system to the customer’s satisfaction for our customers, the policy of our company is to provide most cost-effective and value-added automation and service to meet our customer’s requirements. |
中國智能化網(zgznh®)--引領工業智能化產業發展 共享智能化+優質平臺
版權所有:深圳市智控網絡有限公司 學術指導:深圳市智能化學會
深公網安備案證字第 4403101901094 號 | 粵公網安備 44030702001206號